Get Assured Of the Quality when Selecting a Nursing Home

When it comes to choosing a nursing home for elderly people, you can easily get a little confused. You need to take into consideration several factors, such as, quality of services offered, environment, and medical facilities, and behaviour of the staff. If you are specifically looking for a Haywards Heath nursing home, Ashton House could be the best bet. You can verify the quality of our services by having a look at the Care Quality Commission Inspection Report. This will assure you of the quality of our services.

Get to Know the Quality Assessor: CARE QUALITY COMMSION

They are the independent regulator of health and social care in England. They check whether hospitals, care homes, GPs, dentists and services in your home are meeting national quality standards. They do this by inspecting services and publishing their finding that helps people to make choices about the care they will receive.

When the Inspection was Carried Out at Our Haywards Heath Nursing Home

A routine inspection is done to verify whether the essential standards of quality and safety are being met. An unannounced inspection was carried out by the assessor at nursing home in Crawley West Sussex.

How the Inspection Was Carried Out?

They looked at the personal care or treatment records of people who have used our service. They carried out an unannounced visit on 14 February 2014, and observed how people were being cared for and talked with people who use the service. They interacted with care takers, family members and the staff members along with the client to get a complete overview of the situation.

Parameter and Judgment of the CARE QUALITY COMMSION

After a thorough inspection and analysis based on some important parameters, the esteemed quality assessor has announced the following verdict on our nursing home on each of the parameters.

  • Respecting and involving people who use services
  • Judgment: "People's privacy, dignity and independence were respected. People's views and experiences were taken into account in the way that the service was provided and delivered in relation to their care"

  • Care and welfare of people who use services
  • Judgment: "People experienced care, treatment and support that met their needs and protected their rights."

  • Safeguarding people who use services from abuse.
  • Judgment: "People who used the service were protected from the risk of abuse, because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent abuse from happening."

  • Management of medicines.
  • Judgment: "The provider had appropriate arrangements in place for safe prescribing, administration, storage and disposal of medication."

  • Staffing.
  • Judgment: "There was enough qualified, skilled and experienced staff to meet people's needs."

  • Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision
  • Judgment: "The provider had an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of the service that people received."

The detailed assessment report provides you a clear indication of the optimum quality standards that are being met by our nursing home in Crawley West Sussex. You can now keep all your worries at rest and give us an opportunity to serve you!